27 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba



I am a very pessimist person. So that I judge myself about my past actions. I think like '' Oooh,  if you didn't do that, you could be better right now or why you didn't consider consequences of your actions.'' When I have started to think like that I get bogged down and I go into depression. However,  there are a few thoughts that encourage me.

I have only one chance at this world, soI should learn as possible as from my mistakes, and every day I should open a new page.

My mind is unique in this universe, so use it cleverly and don't let to rot it.

If My thoughts give the feeling of hopelessness, I can stop them as I am very powerful. Then I can choose to think differently.


I am an intelligent person. If my intellectual life gets stuck into something, I can go through the hoops.
Every new day, I should feed my brain. Every day I should learn new things. Like I need food for my body, I need books, people, music for my brain so that I should feed it every new day.

The world needs clever people to cure itself from the damages of the bad people. I should be clever to see the bright future. 


I desire to have different perspectives. My brain isn't single-use only. Having different perspectives gain me the ability of understanding other people. 

If I knock down harmful norms of society in my intellectual life, even if it is too small I can make a difference. That's my main goal in my intellectual life. If I change, the world can be changed also. As we didn't take action, we make it a problem. 


Reading books will help to learn the world. I can see many perspectives in different books even they are telling the same story. 

I will look carefully at the people in the streets to have an idea about the different lives. 

 For my visions to come true, I should be confident at myself. For this reason, I will listen to myself more than before.

Be intelligent as Hermione Granger!!